Have you ever waited at a pedestrian or cycle crossing and wondered why it takes so long for the green person or cyclist to appear? And why road users wait less time? The Stoke road interchange is particularly bad as there are several staggered crossings to wait at.

GBUG are currently campaigning to improve pedestrian and cycle crossing timings in Guildford.

Taking this pedestrian route across the Stoke Road interchange results in seven sets of lights to wait at

Why is this important?

Guildford, with a growing population, has an increasing number of pedestrians and cyclists who rely on pedestrian/cycle crossings for their routine travel. However, the current waiting times at these crossings are often unnecessarily long, potentially discouraging sustainable modes of transport.

Who can solve this?

Lucy Monie, as the Head of Highways and Transport Service at Surrey County Council, bears responsibility for resolving this. Quicker crossing times not only improve safety (improved compliance) but also encourage walking and cycling, thus promote active, healthy lifestyles and reduce carbon emissions.

Casualties and wait times

As per the Department for Transport statistics, in 2018 there were 21,827 casualties involving pedestrians on the roads in the UK, 25% of the total. Furthermore, on average, cyclists wait up to 20% longer than motorists at signalized junctions (source: University of Cambridge study on ‘Cycling in Urban Areas’). This suggests the importance of reevaluating timings at pedestrian/cycle crossings for the safety and convenience of these road users.

What do we request?

We request Lucy Monie, and by extension the Surrey County Council, to prioritise this matter and consider improving wait times for pedestrians and cyclists at all pedestrian/cycle crossings in Guildford. Your signature can give a voice to this request. Please, sign in support of more efficient and considerate pedestrian/cycle crossing timings in Guildford.

We need your help! To help GBUG campaign for more safe cycling infrastructure, join our mailing list or email info@g-bug.org.

Previous Posts on Pedestrian and Cycling Crossing Timings