London Road Scheme: We need your help!

Stage 1 of the London Road Active Travel Scheme runs from Boxgrove Roundabout to Aldi and includes:

  • Safer cycle paths segregated from road traffic up at pavement level.
  • Creating new crossing points
  • Upgrading bus stops

Please support this scheme by by emailing all Surrey County Council cabinet members* before the middle of October. Please add one or two sentences as to why this is important for you and your family. Be sure to add your home address to the email. The cabinet will make a decision on stage 1 of the scheme on 29th October 2024. Without your support this scheme will not go ahead.

For further information see our London Road Active Travel Scheme page.

*If opening on a PC, the email may be placed in your drafts folder.

Existing cycling provision along London road is just a painted dotted white line making a narrow cycle lane. Some cars are driving in the cycle lane.
London Road


  1. James Hood


    Painted lines are not a cycle lane! I cycle along here every day and frequently have cars stray into the bike lane.

    Even better though if we have a decent two way lane on one side of the road (like on parkside) instead of narrow one way routed on each side that will just end up leading to conflicts with pedestrians. This should be on North side of London road Should route it the other side of the wall in the narrow part between Woodruff avenue and abbotswood too, to follow existing footpath through woods rather than hugging the road. Would help persuade the motoring lobby that they aren’t giving up road space.

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