Anne Milton MP joined us to hear about the new direction and energy the group now has and there was an excellent turnout for a Friday afternoon meeting.
Main things discussed were about how frustrating Guildford is to cycle around despite all the great work done over the years to get some things changed, for example the Shalford Park route and the routes around Stoke Park. There were members from Surrey County Council and Guildford Borough Council present who joined the discussion and shared the frustration. We all shared the need to change attitudes within official circles and especially at the top where there needs to be a definite change in mindset to get people out of their cars and onto other forms of transport, especially cycling.
Anne Milton arrived by bike and dressed in a bright yellow flourescent bib and so was very visible. She is very supportive of the campaign to make Guildford and the surrounding areas safe for cycling.
The good news is that with the help of our representatives at GBC and SCC we now have 20 quick wins in the area where small things will be changed to improve cycling in Guildford. These include ramps where there are kerbs, changes in signage to permit cycling and other such small changes that create easier paths for cyclists in Guildford.
If you have any proposals or ideas on what we can do to improve cycling and make it safer in Guildford then please say so here and we will add it to the list for review by G-BUG and the relevant authority.
Anne Milton:
“As someone who cycles, I am really excited to hear about the plans of the Guildford Bike User Group (G-BUG). It is fantastic that this group is working to make Guildford a cycling safe borough. I know that members of G-BUG are determined to make this a reality and with this in mind are keen to gather feedback from people about cycling in the local area.
Everyone who cycles – whether you’re lycra-clad or you go on your bike to visit the local shops or get to the station – please get involved in this group! There are much-needed changes in our local area to make our roads more cycle friendly. I will look forward to joining with G-BUG in lobbying for these as I want to see as many local people as possible having the opportunity to get on their bikes and exploring our beautiful town, villages and countryside.”