SCC/GBC cycling plans for London Road

SCC/GBC have provided their final plans for changes to cycling provision on London Road, between York Road and the Boxgrove Roundabout.  In summary, there will be a widened two way shared use pavement on the northbound (Stoke Park) side, between London Road Station and the Boxgrove Roundabout. The existing advisory cycle lane on the southbound side from Boxgrove Roundabout to the station will be removed. The existing Pelican crossing at the railway bridge will be converted to a Toucan, where ‘inbound’ cyclists can cross and use an advisory cycle lane down to the York Road lights.]


  1. Reply

    There are several dangerous parts on the existing south side lane where it simply disappears as the road narrows for a central reservation. This also happens earlier on London road in burpham with one example where the cyclist is expected to munt the pavement for a narrow section of very poor tarmac before re-emerging f with the road. I do not consider either manoeuvre safe at a reasonable cycling speed. GBC should be giving consideration to allowing cyclists to maintain a reasonable speed along the road – start stop simply puts people back on the roads.

  2. Mark harrison


    As it stands there are several dangerous transitions where the cycle lane simply disappears and the road narrows for a central reservation. I welcome better more segregated access however we also need to ensure that this is useable by cyclists at a reasonable pace. Recent twitter footage from a Bristol user shows it taking 3x the time on a shared use track vs the road. This will simply mean people like me will stay on the road.

    Other examples in Guildford of shared use have road signs and other obstructions which slow cyclists and are unsafe. Key is the transition into the shared use- can this occur at a sensible speed in and out? On London road near burpham there is a terrible section where the advisory lane is routed onto the pavement. This is very difficult to do safely at any sensible speed due to the narrowness of the lane the poor surface and the right turn. Re-entering the road is worse where a mistake would put you in the carriageway. Similar story on clay lane – in a couple of points this lane just stops or narrows meaning it is hard to use at a sensible pace and encouraging us to continue to use the road which drivers hate.

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